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The Company Successfully Passed The System Certification


In mid-January 2021, a three-member audit team from the China Internet of Things Quality Assurance Center conducted a three-day audit and guidance on the company’s system established in accordance with ISO9001, ISO14001, and ISO45001 standards. The audit content includes careful inspection and review of the suitability of various departmental documents, on-site management norms, environmental factors and the effectiveness of hazard identification and control, and compliance with laws and regulations.

Through the joint efforts of various departments of the company, the audit team agreed that the company’s “three systems” meet the requirements of ISO standards, maintain the qualifications of the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system, and grant the first approval to the ISO14001:2015 environmental management system and ISO45001:2018 occupational health and safety system register.

The successful passing of this certification audit marks a solid step taken by the company on the road to standardization of the standard system construction and management operation, and it also means that the company's comprehensive management level and market competitiveness have reached a new level. In the future, the company will continue to improve its internal management mechanism and promote the continuous and effective development of the company's management system.