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Mengxi New Materials Shandong Project Laid The Foundation


Spring is full and Vientiane is renewed. On the morning of April 20, 2021, the groundbreaking ceremony of the Mengxi New Materials Shandong Project was held at the construction site of the Shandong Liangshan Project. Liangshan County Party Secretary Jia Zhifu, Liangshan County People’s Congress Director Qin Yanxin, and Liangshan County CPPCC Chairman Chu Xianhai, Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Director of the Office of the County Party Committee, Li Yaping, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the County People’s Congress Cao Jingquan, Deputy County Mayor Ma Tao, Secretary of the Party Committee of Maying Town Wang Mingxian, and leaders of various county departments in Liangshan County and various departments of the Maying Town government, The general manager of Mengxi New Materials, Sa Ren Qing Gele, attended the ceremony and jointly cultivated the soil and laid the foundation under the witness of the news media.

The Mengxi New Materials Shandong project is another project of Inner Mongolia CAMO New Materials Co., Ltd. following the CAMO project to open up the closed-loop of the industry chain. Mengxi New Materials Shandong will mainly focus on hydrated rare earth compounds, and the main products are fluorine. Rare earth, nano-rare earth, hydrated rare earth, rare earth nitrates, and large specific surface area cerium oxide, white cerium oxide, and other special oxides. After the completion of the project, it will not only become an effective supplement to the CAMO project, but also greatly broaden the product chain of the Mengxi project.